Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fact #23

Things change.

Hey guys. Dang, it's been a long time. Sorry about that.

Things have been moving more rapidly than I anticipated, so I have a lot to catch you up on.

#1- I graduated from Judson. That means I'm, like, an adult now.
Okay, you caught me.  I own too many graphic t-shirts for that to be true any time soon.

#2- I'm dating someone pretty patient. I'd say cool, but I've noticed even cool people lose their patience with me, so I'll stick with patient. His name's Allen.  Photographer, zombie enthusiast, pizza connoisseur, and Dr. Pepper addict.  If he's good, I may feature him here sometime.

#3- I received a full ride to Northern Seminary.  Dang straight, peeps, I'm getting my Master's. That means I've moved, permanently, to IL, so now I have the right to drive like a cabby....all the time. Good luck. I'm a beast.

Those three things have done a ton to change my perspective on things, but certainly not my humor, so don't worry. Just think of this as an updated, deeper, more meaningful round of sarcasm coming at you.

You, dear reader, are in for quite the ride.

This is especially so, because for one of the classes I'm taking, we have to upkeep a journal-devotion four times a week. Which I will be sharing here with all of you, mainly because I'm a narcissist, and partially because if you're following me, you're smart enough to leave a decent comment or two.

Here we go.

I have survived Week 1 of Oppression.  I call this place (meaning all of Lombard, not just the seminary itself) because no one seems to have an ounce of humor within them.  And if you know me, this is like throwing a fish in the desert.  Yes, yes, I know I have Jesus, but I am having a real good time figuring out why God put me here.

Classes are interesting, I love my professors so far, or at least the subjects they are teaching.  But the students...are either 40+, or in that state of marriage where a single, 22 year old woman with an ounce of charm appears to be the devil. Also, from who I have met, the fine arts are a frivolity. Needless to say, it's been a scant bit difficult to make friends.  And I'm too pretty to be unpopular.
When I came for a campus visit, I was impressed by the diversity, openness, and respect.  Now that I’m here, diversity feels more like mélange, openness becomes a violent competition to have the most baggage, and respect is a thin layer of decorum to conceal it all, including all the bleeding tongues chomped down on while waiting for the coffee to brew.

Not to mention I'm the youngest student here. I'm not making a generalization. I actually am the youngest person here.  When I was moving in, everyone thought my dad was the one moving in.

God. Why did you bring me here?

I have to go through two years of this? I left Kewaunee because of the close-mindedness and ignorance. I never felt repressed in any part of Illinois, and now it’s making me want to go back.

I have no outlet here. It’s either talk about Jesus in class, or talk about Jesus when you run into someone in the hall.  Try talking about art or music or poetry, or dear lord laugh...and you’re “flighty,” “crazy,” and “immature.

I feel like I need a Paul in my life telling me it’s okay to be young.  Maybe that bit in Timothy 5:23 too.  I don't mind being encouraged to drink, at this rate.

Where do I see God at work?
Good friggin' question.

What am I hearing God saying?"
"Be patient, for My Sake."

Where Do I see God moving?
I don't. I'm starting to wonder if he's a ninja.