Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fact #9

All good things take time.

Art, relationships, the perfect soufflè...whatever it is, chances are it's going to take awhile before it's even satisfactory to you. And even then, it'll take time and effort. This brings up several frustrating points:

1) You may lose track of other important things.

2) It takes a part of you, and may keep that part.

3) Patience is required. Sometimes a lot of friggin' patience.

4) Others may discourage you.

5) It may have not been worth it in the end.

And yet, the rewards often outweigh the risks. People, for instance, continually take time no matter how well you know them. And because you can't just shut them off or put them away, this process will never end.

That is, of course, assuming you're not a jerk.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fact #8

Comedy = (Tragedy + Distance)/Time

I'm not one to gripe, but this has been a bad week. I mean one of those never-come-up-for-air-from-the-bad...weeks. And what pisses me off more than anything right now, more than having my crush ignore me after months of flirting, more than having to re-reschedule my guitar lesson despite not having time to practice for juries, more than having my favorite professor call me out on a deep personal familial hurt in the middle of my advanced public speaking the fact that I can't even relish this rare chance at anger, because of my knowledge that I will laugh at the slew of frustration as soon as next week begins.

There is no doubt that anger is rarely justifiable, and even more rarely righteous. And all too often, if you make the mistake of acting on your anger, you'll find you became the villain you thought you were battling.